2015. március 24.

The five-year-old Hungarian-English bilingual education

The five-year-old Hungarian-English bilingual education

The Hungarian-English bilingual education started at our school five years ago. To celebrate this anniversary we organized a celebration on 17 November at Ady cinema.
The classes 5.a and 3.a performed a part of the Mary Poppins musical. The title of the song was SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS. We performed this song with Zsuzsanna Debrei, a local actress, with whom we practised a lot. She played Mary Poppins, who went to the “wordshop” with the children. We were singing and dancing with umbrellas around Mary Poppins, which reached a colourful scene in our opinion and people clapped a lot. In the preparation the teacher of class 3.a Miss Emese Bödör and our much-loved English teacher Mrs Beatrix Zimborás gave us a big support.
The cinema was full of cheerful people and we were so happy about it. It was a great experience that we could get on stage together with Zsuzsanna Debrei. The show was so successful that we performed it once more at the school for all the pupils.

Written by Napsugár Szili from class 5.a
Translated by Lili Besenyei from class 6.a
